Worship (at SPC and Online)

Sunday, Oct 10 | 11:00 am

Please note, there are three Sunday morning worship service options available at SPC. Please read the following for more information.

8:30AM-- EARLY SERVICE CONTINUES OUTSIDE. For those who prefer an outdoor option, we are offering an 8:30am service at Morgan’s Grove Park Pavilion through at least October. Please note there will be congregational singing at this service.

11AM – ONLINE. Meeting House Live will live stream the 11am service with a new audio/visual experience to help you better enjoy the live service as it takes place in the sanctuary. Access the service at https://www.facebook.com/groups/spcworks and wait for the “live stream” box to appear. All are welcome to attend. A Facebook account is not required to access this service of worship. 

11AM-- WORSHIP AT SPC. The service will be conducted by Reverend Newquist with participants, live music and numerous safety precautions in place. Here’s what you need to know about coming into SPC.


• All entrances to the church will be open; Hand sanitizer and masks will be available for those who need them
• Masking is required for all persons in the building, per CDC guidelines
• Allow extra time when arriving to fill out the Sign-In Sheet for contact tracing
• Multi-colored wristbands are available to indicate your level of comfort with distance [green = hugs okay; yellow = elbow bumps; red = bow from a distance]
• Please physical distance when taking a seat
• The front five rows have information sheets on the seats that explain that the service is being broadcast and that people in these rows may be visible on the streaming broadcast.
• There will be no seating in the balcony to permit maximum flexibility for the technical crew


• The service will be live streamed from 2 different mounted cameras. Although it is not our intent to show views of the congregation, parishioners sitting or standing in the first 5 rows may, at times, be visible on the broadcast.Ushers have been instructed to have fans running and to leave sanctuary doors open during the service.
• In lieu of congregational singing, we will be clapping, stomping, humming and swaying.
• Baskets for the offertory will be at the end of each pew.
• Children ages 3 through 5th Grade may attend Sunday Studio following the ‘First Pew From Afar.’ A video of the lesson will be created and posted Sunday afternoon for parents wishing to keep their kids at home. (Sunday Circle and the nursery will resume in October).

• Coffee is served in the Fellowship Hall; please take it to the Portico for consumption
• Please observe physical distancing when departing the Sanctuary and in the Fellowship Hall

Permission to reproduce/podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-710209.