

Did you know Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church has a PrayerNet!?

A group of about 90 people has agreed to pray for any of your requests (joys, concerns, hopes, alleluias).
Debbie Romano has been managing the PrayerNet for the past several years and will be passing the torch. A team of people will be available to respond to your requests. The current team consists of Pastor Gusti, Lynn Dampman, Jen Jones, and Mica Martin. Additional Deacons will be added in the next couple of months.

Please send your prayer requests to You may also call the church office at 304-876-6466 during office hours (Monday - Friday, 8am - 2pm).

A couple of practical reminders as you make your requests:

1. Please make sure the person for whom you are requesting prayer has given you permission. Due to privacy considerations, we are unable to share requests without that permission.
2. Please indicate whether or not you would like this request to be shared in worship on Sunday morning.
3. You may also indicate that you prefer to keep this request confidential among the PrayerNet Team (currently Pastor Gusti, Lynn Dampman, Jen Jones, and Mica Martin.)
4. For confidential requests intended exclusively for Pastor Gusti, please email her directly at and/or Lynn Dampman
at (Because Pastor Gusti does not always have immediate access to email, copying Lynn is strongly recommended. Lynn maintains strict confidentiality.)

If you are having a pastoral emergency (death of a spouse or child, life-threatening medical emergency, etc), please contact Pastor Gusti directly.
If you would like to participate in our larger PrayerNet community (as one of the 90+ who have agreed to pray), please contact Lynn at the church office:

Please also extend your gratitude to Debbie Romano ( for her faithful ministry of prayer these many years!

With gratitude for the prayer life of our community, Pastor Gusti, on behalf of the PrayerNet Ministry Team