Session considering support of Build Back Better Act

Session wants to let the congregation know that they are considering whether SPC should formally support a congressional bill of importance to people in WV and nationwide. The Social Justice Committee asked the Session to consider signing a resolution to urge WV Senators Manchin and Capito to vote for the Build Back Better (BBB) Act.

The act provides financial support and services for children in poverty, childcare and elder care, black lung disability, clean energy, housing, food programs, and health care. A coalition of WV-based groups is seeking support for the resolution. The Social Justice Committee asked Session to support the resolution as an expression of engaged compassion.

While Session authorized the Social Justice Committee to support the resolution, they are continuing to discern whether the Session, speaking for SPC, should sign the resolution. Session will make that decision at its March meeting. In the meantime, Session wants to make the congregation aware of its deliberations and invite comments.

Please see the following links for additional information:

Resolution in Support of the Build Back Better Act

WV Benefits of the Build Back Better Act

Seeking to be Faithful Together

The above documents are also available in the Social Justice Committee page of the SPC website (under the "Ministries" dropdown menu). 

Session welcomes your questions or comments about this discernment. Please relay them to Dave Smith, Clerk of Session, either in person, in writing via the mailbox in the office, or by email sent to Dave will compile and report your comments to session at the March meeting. Thank you.