Rev. Bill Sitterley
July 15, 2018
Text: Mark 6:17-29
Rev. Bill Sitterley
July 8, 2018
Text: 2 Samuel 6:1-11
Rev. Bill Sitterley
July 1, 2018
Text: Romans 13:8-10
Rev. Bill Sitterley
June 24, 2018
Text: I Samuel 17:32-37
Rev. Bill Sitterley
June 17, 2018
Text: I Samuel 15:10-19
Rev. Bill Sitterley
June 10, 2018
Text: I Samuel 8:4-12
Rev. Layton Williams
June 3, 2018
Text Samuel 3:1-10
Ethel Hornbeck
May 27, 2018
God is love, which is also to say, God is relationship, in fact, God is a community of love … We don’t “choose welcome” because of who we are. We choose welcome because of who we know God is, a choosing that never ends.
Bill Sitterley
May 20, 2018
Text: John 15:26-27; 16:4b-7, 12-15
Bill Sitterley
May 13, 2018
Text: John 17:11-18
Bill Sitterley
April 29, 2018
Text: Acts 8:26-38
Bill Sitterley
April 22, 2018
Text: Job 38 (selected verses)
Bill Sitterley
April 1, 2018
Easter Sunday
Text: John 20:1-18
Rev. Bill Sitterley
March 18, 2018
John 12: 20 – 33
Bll Sitterley
March 4, 2018
John 2:13-22