
Read or download the text from past sermons.  The most recent sermon is typically available online by 3 PM each Monday.
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Randall Tremba
June 12, 2016
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Or so we were taught to say as children. But that clearly is not true.

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Reflections by Rob Mahaffey, Marlene Gallo and Chris Morehouse
June 5, 2016

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Randall Tremba
May 29, 2016
Once upon a time Jesus received a summons to a Roman centurion’s home. Which raised the question: to go or not to go. There were many reasons not to go. After all, aiding a Roman was aiding and abetting the enemy. Treason.

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Randall Tremba
May 22, 2016
To claim we are “guardians of the planet” is to make a rather bodacious claim. After all, the planet did just fine before humans arose on its face. No one was “in charge.”

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Randall Tremba
May 15, 2016
Just listen to the babble, babble, babble. Is anyone listening with an understanding ear?

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Randall Tremba
May 8, 2016
Together we are rebuilding the church in the spirit of St. Francis by returning to the simple gospel of Jesus: Love one another. Love God. Love the other. Love the world and all that is in it.

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Randall Tremba
May 1, 2016
Hope is not optimism. We hope despite evidence because we trust something greater than ourselves at work in the world.

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Randall Tremba
April 24, 2016
Something greater than ourselves brings us back from the dead time and time again when we love one another.

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Randall Tremba
April 17, 2016
The sudden increase in cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity since WWII is no fluke. It can easily be traced to a radical change in the American diet. What’s on your table?

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Randall Tremba
April 10, 2016
Over the past 40 years, I’ve been around a lot of death and a lot of grieving. And I’ve learned that in many cases there is no cure for a broken heart.

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Ethel Hornbeck
April 3, 2016
"Resurrection is not some one time thing, it is an ongoing story, one that we are free to choose to be part of or not."

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Randall Tremba
March 27, 2016
You can’t get from Palm Sunday to Easter without going through Good Friday. Which brings us to Brussels.

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Randall Tremba
March 20, 2016
On that day, the multitude, shaking palm branches and prancing with Jesus into Jerusalem, was full of desperate people. They bore grievances against the establishment and the elite.The masses yearned for a savior, a messiah, a strong man who would crush the establishment and the elite and save them from despair.

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Randall Tremba
March 13, 2016
Two weeks ago this Sunday, a little dog named Snickers ran away from her new home in Sharpsburg, swam across the Potomac River and got lost in a wilderness of sorts.

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Randall Tremba
March 6, 2016
We have before us this morning one of the most popular parables ever told by Jesus: “The Prodigal Son.” But it may not mean what we’ve been taught.

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Randall Tremba
February 28, 2016
Those words—repent or perish—are often bellowed out as a threat. But there’s another way of hearing them—not as a threat but as an invitation, an invitation to wake up and return to the path that leads to life.

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Randall Tremba
February 21, 2016
Sometimes the appointed lessons for a given Sunday stump me. Today’s lessons totally stumped me.

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Randall Tremba
February 14, 2016
Humans aren’t born. Humans are made through making choices. We have god-like powers, powers to create and destroy like no other species on this planet. How will we use them?

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Randall Tremba
February 7, 2016
The gospel lesson for today is the so-called Transfiguration of Jesus. There are many ways to see this story. Today I’m looking at it through the eyes of Charles Darwin. Let’s see where that takes us.

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Randall Tremba
January 31, 2016
Jesus didn’t reject the Scriptures of his people. He pruned them so compassion would blossom.
