Randall Tremba
February 28, 2016
Those words—repent or perish—are often bellowed out as a threat. But there’s another way of hearing them—not as a threat but as an invitation, an invitation to wake up and return to the path that leads to life.
Randall Tremba
February 21, 2016
Sometimes the appointed lessons for a given Sunday stump me. Today’s lessons totally stumped me.
Randall Tremba
February 14, 2016
Humans aren’t born. Humans are made through making choices. We have god-like powers, powers to create and destroy like no other species on this planet. How will we use them?
Randall Tremba
February 7, 2016
The gospel lesson for today is the so-called Transfiguration of Jesus. There are many ways to see this story. Today I’m looking at it through the eyes of Charles Darwin. Let’s see where that takes us.
Randall Tremba
January 31, 2016
Jesus didn’t reject the Scriptures of his people. He pruned them so compassion would blossom.
Randall Tremba
January 17, 2016
Recently, someone angrily accused me of using the pulpit to promulgate my political opinions by promoting a welcoming disposition toward Muslim refugees and thus violating the first amendment of the Constitution. And that brought me “unexpected joy.” Not immediately to be sure; but eventually.
Randall Tremba
January 10, 2016
As a household of faith and as households of faith we can and must work together on cultivating the habits of compassion.
Randall Tremba
December 20, 2015
The world is pregnant with love. You are pregnant with love. But like Mary, we must say, let it be.
Randall Tremba
December 13, 2015
The gloom of the world is only a shadow. Behind it, yet within reach, is joy. Take joy.
Randall Tremba
December 6, 2015
On December 16, 1969, a message suddenly appeared in gigantic letters on billboards in eleven major cities around the world. WAR IS OVER: if you want it.
Randall Tremba
November 29, 2015
Only love can vanquish hell. But loving our enemies doesn’t mean allowing them to kill us or our loved ones.
Randall Tremba
November 22, 2015
Before we get to “be not afraid” we must start with “be afraid” for that’s what most of us are. Scared to death.
Randall Tremba
November 8, 2015
We tend to define kinship narrowly and then build walls against the other, the outsider. But the Beloved calls us beyond self, family, tribe, nation and church into a different kind of kinship.
Randall Tremba
November 1, 2015
Jesus was nurtured in a tradition sympathetic to the plight of migrants and refugees. And we can’t help ourselves from being compassionate to migrants and refugees as well.
Randall Tremba
October 25, 2015
Once upon a time a blind beggar named Bartimaeus sat in the dust alongside the Jericho road, the way we sometimes sit, stuck in our own despair as our world turns ever more grim. We see no way out. We see no future. We see only darkness.
Ethel Hornbeck
October 18, 2015
"To serve is less about doing, and more about connecting--with God, self, and others."
Randall Tremba
October 11, 2015
Let go of your anxiety to be saved. Let go of your yearning to go to heaven. Let go of your quest to be whole and perfect. Let go of Buddha, Jesus, Hare Krishna and Fox News. Let go and let love have its way with you.
Randall Tremba
October 4, 2015
“If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone, will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.” Thich Naht Han
Randall Tremba
September 27, 2015
Today I join the multitudes that sing Pope Francis’ praises. But I must confess, I have not always felt congenial about popes.