
Read or download the text from past sermons.  The most recent sermon is typically available online by 3 PM each Monday.
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Ephesians 5:8-9 & John 9:4-5 by Rob Glenn
Psalm 23 by Judy York
March 26, 2017

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Randall Tremba
March 19, 2017
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. It’s true: we can’t live without bread and water. But if that is all we hunger and thirst for, we never will be fully human.

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Ethel Hornbeck
March 12, 2017
So as we move into this next wilderness chapter...let us seek to welcome unknowing as we deepen our trust in one another and in the Spirit who has been at work here, in and among us, for a very long time.

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Randall Tremba
March 5, 2017
Today is the First Sunday in Lent. And today is the first day of a new wilderness journey for you and me. Beyond the wilderness awaits the Promise Land. I’m counting on that and you can count on that, too.

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Randall Tremba
February 26, 2017
Our nation has entered a cloud of unknowing. It’s a terrifying place to be. But it’s also a place of surprise—a place where the ordinary is transfigured into the extraordinary. A place where fear is transfigured into courage. A place where light breaks in.

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Randall Tremba
February 19, 2017
In order to prosper a nation needs laws to restrain would be tyrants and to protect and preserve liberty and freedom. Piety (love of God) and patriotism (love of country) are not enough.

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Randall Tremba
February 12, 2017
Several parents told me recently that their children are having a hard time in school, a hard time with certain Christian classmates. Lately, these classmates have become more bold and brash in spewing forth hateful and bigoted remarks about gays, refugees and Muslims.

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Randall Tremba
February 5, 2017
None of us like to take sides in our family, in our church, or in our nation. I’d rather not. But when sides are unavoidable, we must choose. And when competing visions and agendas for our nation clash, we must choose.

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Randall Tremba
January 29, 2017
Christians in every land should be alarmed over the rise of nationalism for those sentiments thwart the movement begun by Christ—a movement that seeks to extend compassion, inclusion, and blessings to all nations.

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Randall Tremba
January 22, 2017
Come follow me and I will show possibilities for love. Bring your little light along. You can be a light in the darkness.

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Randall Tremba
January 15, 2017
We are not born racists, or anti-Semites, or misogynists, or homophobes. We learn those things. I learned white superiority and prejudice from my parents who learned it from their parents who learned it from their parents.

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Randall Tremba
January 8, 2017
The gospel, as it turns out, is a revelation, not only that Jesus is the Beloved and the Chosen one, but that all of us are. We are all Beloved. We are all Chosen.

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Randall Tremba
December 18, 2016
Like Mary and Joseph we must choose. We can say YES or NO. When we choose welcome Emmanuel comes.

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Ethel Hornbeck
December 11, 2016
"Mary invites us to sing with her, to travel with her on a perilous and joy filled adventure, to renew and deepen our own trust in Love and to find new life in our own communities of hope."

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Randall Tremba
December 4, 2016
I can’t recommend Mel Gibson’s WWII movie, Hacksaw Ridge; but I can commend the hero of the story.

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Randall Tremba
November 27, 2016
This is the season of Advent. It’s a time to give voice to our longings and let our hearts cry out.

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Randall Tremba
November 20, 2016

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Randall Tremba
November 13, 2016
Baptism initiates us into a movement of resistance and hope.

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Randall Tremba
November 6, 2016
Over time questions arose. This is my body. This is my blood. How is this Jesus body and blood? What is the meaning of “is?”

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Randall Tremba
October 30, 2016
So why then do we come here on Sunday morning if not to worship God?
